Here my most exciting walking routes where to go and how to most popular Tramping/hiking routs in New Zealand.
Overnight Trips
Lees Valley: Tarn hut, Youngman stream hut
Warden Hut
Kirwans Hut
Macaulay Hut
Lake Man, Hot Spring 4 days
Nina biv, Nina, Lucretia Huts
Otehake River Hot Pools
Boyle Flats, Magdalen Huts
Woolshed Hut
Crow Hut, Rome Ridge
Anti Crow, Carrington, Waimakariri Falls Huts
Hurunui Hot Springs & Huts
Edwards Hut
Lake Guyon, Princes Bath
Lake Mavis
Pinnacles Hut
Day Trips
Hineway Reserve
Mt Alford 3.5 hours walk
Mt Cloudesely 7-9 hours walk
Mt Richardson 5 hours walk
Red Hill Foothills 6 hours walk
HTC News
The premier walking tracks, through areas of some of the best scenery in the country. The huts and tracks on the Great Walks are of a higher standard than other tramping tracks, and many of the Great Walks have booking systems to manage visitor pressure.